
Category Archives for "Affiliate Marketing"

How to Start a WordPress Website (EASY)

Get your WordPress website started easy by visiting and use the code SPI during checkout. Listen to my podcasts here: 🎤 The Smart Passive Income Podcast: 🎤 AskPat (these are real life business coaching calls): Also, have you thought about starting your own podcast? Check out the #1 podcasting tutorial on YouTube here: The podcasting […]

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SPI 780: 10x is Easier than 2x

#780 Many creators and entrepreneurs play it safe. Here's the thing, though. That's actually a dangerous mindset to have if you want to see your brand grow. So how do you take the kinds of risks that lead to massive rewards? For the last year, we've all been talking about the incredible 10x is Easier […]

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[SECT Program] $205K In DEALS Done!

Last night on the SC I gave you some more info about the new business we’re building together. (If you’re brand new, we basically partnered up with this amazing company GigWorker that helps self-employed people claim massive covid tax credits) As a group we’ve already had $205K in deals done in just one week… And […]

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